Bravo, CW. The promo video for The Vampire Diaries Season 4 had us pausing, rewinding, and jamming. (The soundtrack is courtesy of The Heavy and their “What Makes a Good Man” song.) Not only are worried for almost everyone — Elena, Stefan, Caroline and Bonnie all had their lives threatened at some point — but we got a peek at Mystic Falls’ newest vampire. Sit back and enjoy the ride, fang fans. This promo has enough teasers to keep us on pins and needles until the October 11 premiere.
Environmental Media Awards
Twitter Worldwide trend: Ian Perfect Somerhalder

Official Synopsis for The Memorial 4x2

Karamellkungen & Nordiskfilms samarbete fortsätter
Förra året kommer nog alla ihåg att vi hade godispåsar med Breaking Dawn Part 1 på.
Iår kommer det vara samma med Breaking Dawn Part 2, men det kommer att bli större med fler tävlingar.
Här är pressmeddelandet:
"Världspremiären för den sista filmen, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 2 i Twilight-serien, är en högtid för miljoner Twilight-fans världen över. Inför premiären i november fördjupar och utvidgar Karamellkungen sitt samarbete med distributören Nordisk Film. Som en av få unika samarbetspartners lanserar Karamellkungen sin största kampanj någonsin i Sverige, Norge och Finland. Efter det framgångsrika samarbetet med Nordisk Film kring den senaste Twilight-filmen 2011 har Karamellkungen valt att fördjupa och utvidga samarbetet i Sverige, Norge och Finland. I Sverige kommer över 1 500 godisställ att profileras med Twilight-temat och tävlingar för konsument kommer äga rum både i butik och online. Karamellkungen kommer även att synas på stortavlor och i tv-reklam i samband med filmen. Kampanjen pågår vecka 40 – 47. Under den första perioden har två konsumenter möjlighet att vinna en exklusiv resa och biljett till filmpremiären i Hollywood. Under den andra perioden kan 15 personer vinna två biljetter till TWINIGHT som är en unik förhandsvisning där båda de avslutande delarna i Twilight-sagan visas under en och samma kväll. QR-koder på både på- sar och fotofronter gör det möjligt att tävla direkt från smarta telefoner. Via tävlingskuponger i butiken kan dessutom 200 personer vinna två biobiljetter till filmen.
– Godis och film hör ihop, så vårt samarbete med Nordisk Film känns helt rätt. Som stor aktör inom konfektyr har vår kampanj möjlighet att göra ett ordentligt avtryck i butikerna, och Karamellkungen kommer även att synas på stortavlor och i tv-reklam. Det känns också roligt att kunna presentera flera nya onlinetävlingar, säger Anette Fredriksson, Trade Marketing Manager.
Under kampanjperioden pågår även en tävling på appen Instagram där deltagarna ska fota sin Breaking Dawn påse när de har ett Candyking moment. De har då möjlighet att vinna en årsförbrukning av godis (16 kg) och fyra biobiljetter."

Degrassi audition

(Gammal) intervju med Paul Wesley om säsongsfinalen
The finale saw Wesley's character Stefan let Elena (Nina Dobrev) drown - and consequently turn into a vampire - after she asked him to save her friend Matt (Zach Roerig) instead.
However, Wesley has now told Digital Spy that he believes Stefan would have ignored Elena's requests in order to save her life.
"I don't buy it," he admitted. "I'll be completely honest. The writers are probably going to get mad at me! I don't buy it, but it is what it is and so we have to live with it.
"I personally think Stefan would have just went, 'I don't really care what the hell you have to say', and would have grabbed her - but it is a story and frustrating things happen in life and stories."

Wesley also revealed that he expects Stefan to "have a lot of guilt" and "blame himself" for Elena's transition, adding that her change into a vampire will make her "reassess" everything.
"I don't think it's going to be like, 'I'm picking Stefan and we're going to be happy now'," he said. "It's going to be a completely different show now, I think." ~

Jennifer Lawrence om Kristen's och Robert's otrohetsdrama
Ok, so she might not have been mourning the events by drawing big, scribbly red lines down the middle of all her posters of Bella and Edward, but it sounds like Jen is pretty cut up about the hard times Rob and Kristen have been getting.
Having been catapulted into the limelight pretty much over night, Jen knows what it’s like to be followed by the paparazzi every time she pops out for a Snickers and apparently still finds the attention pretty scary.*
“It’s heartbreaking when somebody’s whole life is in the media to the extent that she has a human moment and it’s exploited like that,” she told More.
“There are a lot of elements to fame that are scary. Me, I’m just kind of going to go with it and keep my fingers crossed!”
t’s sounds like Jen’s not standing for any of this Team Kristen vs. Team Rob hoo-hah, but what do you think? Has she got a point?

Kristen, Robert och Taylor intervju med TOTAL FILM MAGAZINE
Avsnitt 4x7
Episode 7 of this season will bring us back to the annual Miss Mystic Falls pageant! That means vamps in suits, y'all. As the reigning winner, Caroline has some duties to perform, but she's distracted -- not only by Klaus, who hasn't given up on pursuing her yet, but also by a rare clash with Elena. Oh... and there's a moment that mirrors a top fan-favorite scene from Season 1. Specifically, one that's had over 2 million views on YouTube.
Torrey, Paul och Arielle på The Future Fasion
Nina, Kat och Candice på iHeart Radio Music Festival i Las Vegas
Paul och Torrey på The Entertainment Weekly Pre-Emmy Party
Nytt från twitter&instagram:

Nytt från twitter&instagram:

Vill inte dejta någon annan
Finns det något hopp för Robert Pattinson och Kristen Stewarts brustna förhållande? Det är inte helt omöjligt. Tidigare rapporter har avslöjat att Kristen är livrädd för att Robert ska gå vidare och träffa någon ny, men i dagsläget ser det inte ut som att det kommer att hända... Källor avslöjar att Robert varken kan eller vill dejta någon annan än Kristen och att han istället har valt att fokusera på jobbet framöver: "Rob vill inte dejta någon annan utan lägger all sin energi på sitt jobb". Vad tror ni, finns det någon chans att vårt forna favoritpar kommer att återförenas efter KStews otrohetsaffär med Rupert Sanders? Kommer Rob att förlåta henne till slut? Det får framtiden utvisa!

Ashley på DKNY Spring Fashion Show


Kristen in Brittiska VOGUE

Dagens Bild - förvirring!
Kat Graham på Instagram

Dagens gif

Bilder från 4x2
CW twittrade
Vampire Diaries i TV Guide

4x1 officiella beskrivningen
ELENA’S WORST NIGHTMARE — Elena (Nina Dobrev) awakens on the morning after the accident to find the thing she dreaded most has come true – she died with vampire blood in her system and now must go through the terrible transition to become a vampire…or face certain death. Stefan (Paul Wesley) promises Elena that he and Bonnie (Kat Graham)will exhaus

Dagens Ship - Stelena

Exclusive Vampire Diaries Peek 4x1

Nina Dobrev: Därför vill Elena inte vara vampyr

“I’m going to ride this train as long as I can!” she said. “The thing is, as soon as you play an older role, then nobody can see you young again, so it’s a defining moment. So I’m going to keep doing it as long I can, as long as people believe me at that age range, and then when I can’t pass off anymore… But yeah, I do look forward to it someday. I want to do an action movie.”

Dagens Bild - Stelena

The "nom nom nom" diaries

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25 Hottest Fall TV Couples

Video från 4x1

Dagens Bild: Fan Bild till Catching Fire

Dagens Bild

Dagens GIF

Fanmade posters för säsong 4

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Nytt från Instagram

TWINIGHT äger rum den 13 november i alla städer där SF Bio har biografer. Evenemanget startar ca 21.00 på kvällen och strax efter midnatt är det dags för den första visningen och världspremiären av Breaking Dawn, del 2.
Under TWINIGHT visas
de två avslutande delarna av Twilight-sagan i följd och har världspremiär av sista delen Breaking Dawn, del 2.
Biljetterna till TWINIGHT släpps på och SF Bios biografer för Bioklubbens medlemmar den 10 oktober (ordinarie biljettsläpp 12 oktober). Biljettpris 195 kr. Åldersgräns 15 år.
Twinight kommer att arrangeras på biografer i samtliga SF Bios städer: Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Gävle, Helsingborg, Jönköping, Karlstad, Linköping, Luleå, Lund, Norrköping, Sundsvall, Umeå, Uppsala, Västerås, Växjö och Örebro.
Breaking Dawn, del 2 har världspremiär den 14 november.
Den 13 november arrangerar vi, utöver TWINIGHT, ett exklusivt TWILIGHT-MARATON på biograf Park i Stockholm. Det är ett unikt tillfälle att för sista gången se samtliga filmer i The Twilight Saga i en följd på bio.
TWILIGHT-MARATON startar under eftermiddagen och avslutas med den sista filmen Breaking Dawn, del 2 som börjar runt midnatt. Biljetterna släpps till Bioklubbens medlemmar den 10 oktober (ordinarie biljettsläpp 12 oktober). Biljettpris 295 kr. Åldersgräns 15 år.
Biljetterna släpps till Bioklubbens medlemmar den 10 oktober (ordinarie biljettsläpp 12 oktober). Biljettpris 295 kr. Åldersgräns 15 år.
Nina Dobrev på signeringen av Seventeen Magazine

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Blog Award @

Bilder från Catching Fire

Nina Dobrev

Vacker som alltid!

Dagens gif(s)

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Dagens Bild

Stills från 4x1 Growing Pains
Happy B-Day to Bella Swan/Cullen

The Twilight Saga - Impossible

Kellan Lutz - Mark Abrahams- 2012

Promobilder för säsong 4


Fler Bilder från TIFF

J-Law humor & snack.


Kol is the fifth child, and youngest (living) son of Esther and Mikael. He is the younger brother of Finn, Elijah, and Niklaus; and the elder brother of Rebekah and Henrik (who is deceased).
During the Middle Ages, Kol, like the rest of his family, was human, up until that fateful evening when his younger brother, Henrik, was killed by werewolves when he and their brother, Niklaus, had snuck out to watch them turn. It was because of this tragedy that their mother, Esther, an original witch, had decided to take action and turn her children into immortal beings, so that no harm could ever touch them again. But though her intentions were good, she failed to take into account the very severe consequences of what performing such a ritual would bring. Lacing their wine with the blood of a local girl, Tatia Petrova, the proginator to what would become the infamous Doppelganger line, and love interest to Niklaus and Elijah, she bound them together, using the power and life-force of the White Oak tree to bestow upon them the vampiric curse. Driving a sword through each of their hearts while they slept and promptly forcing them to drink human blood when they awoke scared, and confused, Mikael sealed the deed, thus turning them into the first Vampires.
- In life, Kol had a head for reckless behavior and irresponsibility.
- He looks up to his older brothers, even though he would never admit it as fact.
- He’s stubborn, and cares very little for the opinions of others. When it comes down to it, he does what needs to be done, and it’s usually his way.
- He’s extremely impulsive, and his uncontrolled bloodlust makes him one of the most unpredictable of his family.
- Without warning, he can go from very cordial and charming, to aggressive and direct in a matter of seconds.
- Despite his arrogant nature, he is somewhat needy toward the rest of his family, tending to prefer company when he goes out, and isn’t very independent.
- Can be mouthy and defiant.
- Finds Mary Porter’s fascination with them amusing.

Dagens Bild

Nina Dobrev i premiären av The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Strålande vacker som alltid!

Bilder från VMA

The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2 Official Tralier

Dagens gif

Ian Somerhalder för Essential Homme Magazine 2012

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Kristen i ELLE UK

'De Utvalda...'

Själv vet jag inte om det är någon mer som ska bli vald till Catching Fire. Vi får väl se, några av dessa personer har jag redan lagt upp på bloggen och en till (gammal) nyhet är... Josh Hutcherson och Jennifer Lawrence har bytt hårfärg till de som Peeta och Katniss har.. "Let the Catching Fire begin!".

Tralien till Breaking Dawn Part 2
Nina Dobrev vía Facebook

Nina Dobrevs nya profilbild på Twitter

Wetpaint om Säsong 4 promon
0:01 – 0:14 Previously on The Vampire Diaries
Did you forget that Elena nearly died after being pumped full of blood by Dr. Fell? No worries. The promo has you covered.
0:16 October 11
The CW would like to remind you that you have to wait a full extra month for the fall premieres of their shows.
0:17 Rude awakening
Elena thinks she’s dead. ( To be fair, staring at the Salvatores could convince anyone they’re in heaven. )
0:19 Stefan avoids eye contact.
Hallmark doesn’t make a card for this moment. Though maybe they should start?
0:20 Realization sinks in.
Elena definitely is not Bella.
0:24 Bonnie breaks it down.
Textbook description of “transition” there, Bon.
0:25 Elena and Jeremy hug.
Sorry everyone you love is dead, Jer.
0:27 Incurable romantic
Stefan wants to bring Elena back from the undead.
0:29 Damon’s philosophy
Bite the bullet ( or blood donor )
0:31 JerBer don’t care.
Little brothers. Always ragging on girls about their fangs.
0:37 A simple plan
Put another notch in her belt: Bonnie’s going to sacrifice herself. Again.
0:39 Oh, now Jeremy has a problem with someone getting killed.
Jeremy and Bonnie, sitting in a tree. Hopefully not d-y-i-n-g.
0:42 Coed naked hiking
Caroline and Tyler ( or is it Klyler? ) strip in broad daylight, outdoors. Get a cave, you two.
0:44 Guns, jerks, and steel
A cop pulls a gun on someone ( possibly Elena ) locked in a cell.
0:45 Breaking blonds
Caroline and another blond ( Rebekah? ) get into a pretty serious car wreck.
0:50 Stefan is there for Elena.
She’s been waiting her whole afterlife for a moment like this.
0:53 A random dude acts menacing.
There’s a new sheriff in town ( literally? ) , and he’s not vampire-friendly.
0:55 Ring around Stefan
All the guns are on Stefan...
0:57 Bonnie starts to shake.
Is this the sight of a good witch going bad?
0:59 Elena sounds hoarse.
Get the girl a blood-shake, stat!
1:01 Stefan thrills with his manliness.
Ooh, we kinda like it when Stefan’s angry.

Phoebe Tokin om Hayley
Our excitement for Season 4 of The Vampire Diaries went to the nth degree when we learned that The Secret Circle’s Phoebe Tonkin would be joining the cast as Hayley. Little was known about the mysterious beauty — other than her connection to Tyler ( Michael Trevino ) — but that’s changed now that Phoebe has spoken with The Insider.
“I like that she's a world traveler, a bit of a tomboy, pretty ballsy, and provocative, but not in the way Faye was on Secret Circle,” says Phoebe. “I mean, she went out to manipulate and see what should could gain from people. Hayley just doesn't have a filter. She didn't really have parental figures in her life, and I like that kind of a person. I like that she's tough and tries to keep up with the boys.”
Sheesh. Another Mystic Fallser without parents. What is it with this town and orphans?
One part of Phoebe’s interview that made us a little sad? We won’t see Hayley go toe-to-toe with Rebekah ( Claire Holt) . Claire and Phoebe haven’t had any scenes together, yet. “I think they're worried about us getting too excited and giggly on set,” Phoebe says.
Oh, those supernatural besties!
När kommer döden till Mystic Falls?
Prepare the coffins, Klaus ( Joseph Morgan ). It’s only a matter of time before someone gets whacked in Vampire Diaries Season 4.
In fact, it’s almost no time at all. According to TVLine, a “pivotal-ish death” will occur during November sweeps, around the same time an old acquaintance pops in. Could that mean around the time Elijah ( Daniel Gillies ) is slated to head back to Mystic Falls, via flashback?
Elijah has died and come back so many times, that this makes us nervous. His ( permanent ) death would certainly be pivotal. However, we refuse to accept it as a possibility.
In fact, we’re pretty attached to everyone. Maybe it will be one of the newbies?
Två nya hybrider i säsong 4

"The Young and the Restless" star Blake Hood and Alyssa Diaz of "Nine Lives of Chloe King" fame have been tapped to star as Klaus's newest minions, appearing in Episode 5 and Episode 6 respectively. Dean and Kimberly are under Klaus's control due to their sire bond with him, so there's no telling the damage they'll cause. The casting was first reported by TVGuide.
Now that Elena has turned into a vampire, Klaus' motives this season are still a little unclear. We know he's not going to be pleased with his sister Rebekah for "killing" his only doppelganger blood source, and we know he's got designs on whisking Caroline into a more glamorous life. Aside from that, though, we have yet to learn what will keep Klaus in Mystic Falls after he gets his own body back at the end of the first episode.
Ny Bild från säsong 4

Season 3's best music moments
Season 3 of The Vampire Diaries was pretty deadly. Even Elena ( Nina Dobrev ) didn’t make it. The gasp-worthy moments were punctuated by a killer soundtrack, and the weepiest scenes were consistently scored with songs that made us even more teary. Check out the top 12 music moments, and let us know if your favorite made the list.

Två nya stills från BDP2 nya trailer

Rober och Kristen återförenas?
MTV-värden är övertygad om att ”Twilight”-paret kommer att återförenas på galan
För två månader sedan var de lyckligt kära.
Nu har de inte träffats på över 30 dagar.
Men på torsdag kommer de att återförenas igen, det skriver Bang showbiz.
Trots att Robert Pattinson, 26, och Kristen Stewart, 22, inte setts på över en månad sedan Stewarts otrohetsskandal med gifte ”Snow white and the huntsman”-regissör Rupert Sanders är åtminstone en person övertygad om att de kommer att återförenas imorgon.
MTV Video music awards-programledaren Kevin Hart är övertygad om att det krisdrabbade paret kommer att fullgöra sina plikter och dela ut pris tillsammans på torsdagens gala som sänds direkt från Staples Center i Los Angeles.
”Tror att de kommer att dyka upp”
– Såvitt jag förstår kommer de båda att komma. Jag är inte helt uppdaterad när det gäller såpoperan som pågått mellan dem. Jag vet att de har en film att göra pr för så jag tror att de kommer att dyka upp, säger han till Bang showbiz.
Stjärnor som Rihanna, Katy Perry, Beyoncé, Green Day, One Direction och Taylor Swift förväntas också dyka upp på galan.
Så tror ni paret kommer kommer dela ut pris tillsammans?
Kristen påväg till filmfestival i Toronto

Jag tycker att Kristen är riktigt fin i glasögonen!

Ny BDP2 tralier

Nikki Reed på semester i Hawaii

Kristen Stewart in Vogue

The vampire diaries flashback - Founder's Day

Angående halloween-bilderna

Trailer för säsong 4

Happy Birthday Kat Graham!
Grattis på födelsedagen Kat!
Nina Dobrev för Seventeen Magazine

“The first time I was on the cover of Seventeen, the cover line said 'Nina: Why she wouldn’t date any of her co-stars.' And then cut to two years later…it's funny that I said that, but you know what? It was honestly what I believed at the time. I didn’t want to be dating one of my costars—my goal on the show was to be professional. But sometimes you can’t help who you have a connection with, and you can only fight it for so long—which I did for a really, really long time.”
- Nina Dobrev

Bilder från DragonCon
Nathaniel Buzolic twittrade

"Girl On Fire"

nytt från twitter


Mer från Dragon Con - twitter

Allt det här var egentligen från igår men jag hann inte ladda upp det!

Sebastian Roché twittrar

Dagens Bild

Kat Graham twittrade

Om Klaus
3x21 Klaus was desiccated believed to be "dead" to the show until we knew Klaus was in Tyler's body (see 3x22)
But fear not! According to producers we will se the handsome brit JoMo again since Klaus' body wasn't fully burned after being staked. So look forward to his return when season 4 starts up!

Julie Plec twittrade:

Orkan drabbar Ian Somerhalders hemstad
Snostilen - Kristen Stewart