Kids Choice Awards 2013 - THG

Kids Choice Awards har ju varit och The Hunger Games vann för Favorite Film och Favorite Book.
I videon blir bland annat våran Josh Hutcherson slimed.

Fabulous Magazine med Jennifer Lawrence!

Jennifer Lawrence är med i den brittiska tidningen Fabulous Magazine.
En del utav intervjun:
On what scares her: “Spiders and ghosts. I actually get comforted when I feel like there might be a burglar in my house, like: ‘There’s a real person that might be breaking into my house, it’s not a ghost, that’s a relief.’”
On fame not changing her personality: “There is kind of a sadness that happens when you look into someone’s eyes and you realize that they’re looking at you a certain way, like you are not really you. I don’t ever walk around feeling famous. I walk around feeling the exact same way I have walked around my entire life, but it’s not until I talk to somebody and see in their eyes that I’m different. It makes me feel weird.”
On not going overboard with her spending: “I just constantly feel so lucky, that I don’t really have time to feel cocky. I was raised to have value for money, to have respect for money, even though you have a lot of it. That’s why mini-bars are difficult, because it’s like yes, I can afford a $6 Snickers bar, but there’s just something wrong with that! I still drive my same car I’ve been driving for a long time and I haven’t bought a house yet.”
On fame not changing her personality: “There is kind of a sadness that happens when you look into someone’s eyes and you realize that they’re looking at you a certain way, like you are not really you. I don’t ever walk around feeling famous. I walk around feeling the exact same way I have walked around my entire life, but it’s not until I talk to somebody and see in their eyes that I’m different. It makes me feel weird.”
On not going overboard with her spending: “I just constantly feel so lucky, that I don’t really have time to feel cocky. I was raised to have value for money, to have respect for money, even though you have a lot of it. That’s why mini-bars are difficult, because it’s like yes, I can afford a $6 Snickers bar, but there’s just something wrong with that! I still drive my same car I’ve been driving for a long time and I haven’t bought a house yet.”

THG - Kids Choice Awards 2013

THG nominerad i Kids Choice Awards 2013.
Favorit Movie
• The Amazing Spider-Man
• The Avengers
• Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
Favorit Movie Actress
• Vanessa Hudgens (Journey 2: The Mysterious Island)
• Scarlett Johansson (The Avengers)
• Kristen Stewart (The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2)
Favorite Female Buttkicker
• Anne Hathaway (The Dark Knight Rises)
• Scarlett Johansson (The Avengers)
• Kristen Stewart (Snow Whitw and the Huntsman)
Favorite Book
• Diary of a Wimpy Kid series
• Harry Potter series
• Magic Tree House series

J-Law humor & snack.

Jennifer Lawrence när hon snackar om Catching Fire, hon ska börja spela in filmen på Tisdag.. Sedan byter hon ämne väldigt snabbt och säger "Oh herregud, denna klänning har fickor!"

Comic Con - THG
THG har ju också varit på Comic Con i år och jag tänkte länka (gick inte att lägga ut videon) videorna till det.
Ps; Det kommer inte bli så mycket bloggning av min del pga inge så nytt att skriva & det är ju sommarlov! Men ska nog göra några inställda inlägg.