Julie Plec pratar om 'The love triangle'

TVD Season 4 Scoop — Julie Plec talks about our favorite love triangle: "I think one of the things we wanted to do was give her last human choice and to make it powerful and for that choice to be born out of who she is in that moment as a human." However, she chose Stefan when she was still human. That could change now that she's a vampire and will remember every time Damon has compelled her. Her feelings as a human may not stay the same now that she's a vampire, and that could have an effect not just on her relationship with Stefan, but "with everybody in her life" as well. It does allow them to add some new elements to the love triangle so it doesn't get stale. After all, having three seasons with the back and forth is enough. However, now that Elena's a vampire, there's a lot more to take into consideration when looking at Elena's relationship with the Salvatore brothers. Elena chose Stefan, and teasers about the upcoming season do seem to reveal that she'll stick by that, at least in the beginning. Whatever happens there, she's going to have enough to deal with as she becomes a vampire that the love triangle is just going to be another complication in her life that has been amplified.


