SPOILER Wetpaint - Is There a Cure For Elena’s **** **** to *****?
First of all, SPOILER ALLERT!

Second of all, rubriken: Is There a Cure For Elena’s Sire Bond to Damon?
"...First of all, the sire bond has clearly divided a lot of fans. Let us say, welcome to The Vampire Diaries. While trying to stay neutral, we’ll only point out that Damon didn’t ask Elena to sleep with him, and their steamy sex may have resulted from the feelings she had for the elder Salvatore before the sire bond kicked in.
On the other hand, Stefan (Paul Wesley) seems to think this sire bond is bad for Elena. In a sneak peek clip for Season 4, Episode 8, “We’ll Always Have Bourbon Street,” he tells Damon, “You said she had to drink warm, human blood, straight from the vein. She almost died trying to make you happy.” If that’s the case, then he might have a point. Yet Elena has exhibited some free will up to this point: She clearly didn’t drain that blond Damon picked out for her at Whitmore College..."
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Måste bara lägga till att hela den här sired-grejen inte riktigt går hem hos mig. Jag är ju Stelena-fan men hela det här verkar komma väldigt lägligt. Vi får väl se hur allt blir.
