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Just Jared's Most Popular Actresses 2012
19. Halle Berry
18. Charlize Theron
17. Emma Watson
16. Aishwarya Rai
15. Natalie Portman
14. Mila Kunis
13. Emma Stone
12. Megan Fox
11. Nina Dobrev
10. Anne Hathaway
9. Blake Lively
8. Jennifer Lawrence
7. Lindsay Lohan
6. Vanessa Hudgens
5. Katie Holmes
4. Jennifer Aniston
3. Angelina Jolie
2. Miley Cyrus
1. Kristen Stewart

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Lite skvaller om Rob
Rob sågs på Cipriani i New York den 20 december, men Kristen Stewart var ingenstans att hittas. Istället blev Rob såg matsal med en mystisk blond kvinna. Skulle K-Stew vara orolig? Robert Pattinson är för närvarande spenderar tid i New York utan sin flickvän Kristen Stewart. Medan han kan bara vara att ta del i arbetet förpliktelser har en middag med ett mysterium blond kvinna på 20 dec oss orolig! Kan Kristen snart ersättas som Rob huvudsakliga squeeze?
Rob, 26, åt middag med en grupp killar och en oidentifierad blond kvinna som "såg äldre," en källa berättar HollywoodLife.com exklusivt.
Harvey Weinstein var även på restaurang och hamnade delta i samtal med Rob, som är en regelbunden på Cipriani. Vår källa berättar att Twilight hunk "älskar kronärtskocka sallad och risotto."
Tidigare under dagen var Rob upptäckt av ett antal fläktar, som säger skådespelaren filmade en fransk reklamfilm.
AlliHeathe sade: "[Rob] filmade en kommersiell idag runt kvarteret från där jag arbetar!"
Shailacrazy tillade: "[Rob] luktade like heaven OMG och han kramade mig omg."
Det är trevligt att Rob spenderar kvalitetstid med sina fans - han sågs delta i ett antal foto ops med dem som sökte honom efter filmningen. Dock har sin middag med en mystisk blond kvinna oss på kanten. Var middagen arbetsrelaterade? Var det en grupp datum? Är Rob känsla av andra alternativ efter Kristen förödmjukade honom inför världen? Det får tiden utvisa.
Även om Rob och Kristen har haft problem med relationer, de enligt uppgift inte har några problem i sovrummet.

Wetpaint - Ian Somerhalder i 'Time Framed'
As Agent Black, Ian is tasked with putting a stop to corrupt masterminds who want to steal an energy device that will deliver clean power to the world. Ian suits up, fights femme fatales, and even drives eco-friendly sports cars.
Talk about thrilling and beneficial!'

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The vampire diaries re#ash with arielle kebbel - 4x09

Wetpaint - What to Expect From Episode 4x10: “After School Special”
0:01 Thursday, January 17
Don’t try to distract us from that giant fireball by informing us Vampire Diaries is on hiatus until January 17, promo. What the heck is that fireball? Were the Mayans right?
0:02 We’ll Always Have Bourbon Street
Someone’s been hitting the sauce.
0:03 Oh, it’s Tyler.
Well, if anyone has an excuse...
0:04 Calling from beyond the grave.
Never, ever pick up the phone when the caller is supposed to be dead.
0:06 Bruised Bex?
Vamps, especially Originals, heal up right quick. Is that just a shadow, or has someone done permanent damage to Rebekah’s face?
0:07 The Originals Are Back
All of them? ‘Cause there are a lot.
0:08 Klaus visits the Gilbert lake house
Lovely day for a visit. We assume there’s nothing sinister about it at all.
0:10 Super spar
Who’s that Jeremy is fighting with? It better not be Matt. Pick on someone your own supernatural size!
0:14 Klaus suddenly isn’t a Death Eater
The OV is no longer a fan of Jeremy’s dark mark.
0:15 Donde esta la biblioteca?
The kids decide it might be time for some book learnin’. Just kidding. They’re just there to fight.
0:16 And they’re off.
This episode is supposed to be like The Breakfast Club, though we doubt they’re running from the assistant principal.
0:17 Kooooooooooool!
Baby Original is back.
0:18 Flirty eyes
Is Bonnie giving Kol a come-hither look?
0:19 Schooled
Stefan and Elena hash out their issues. This could take a while.
0:20 Dunk tank
It looks like someone doesn’t approve of Shane’s teaching methods. Right? That’s Shane, right? It’s all happening so fast! Carol Lockwood flashbacks. Eek!
0:23 Jeremy’s in charge
Always trust a guy who looks this good in a tank top. That’s just good advice.
0:31 Um, excuse us?
Where’s Elijah. We were told the Originals are back, and it’s just not the same without him.
Så det verkar som om Originalfamiljen är tillbaka. Men var är Elijah? Kommer han också tillbaka eller måste vi vänta ännu längre för att se honom?

Wetpaint - Spoilers For Season 4, Episode 10: “After School Special”

"Mystic Falls works fast. The town probably assumes its elected officials could die at any minute, so they likely have a list of people who are ready to serve as backup for each position.
A lot of them were probably taken out in the Town Council explosion, so they’re bringing in someone we haven’t seen before: Rudy Hopkins, aka Bonnie’s (Kat Graham) dad.
Julie Plec tells TV Guide, “He's been caught up to speed and filling in the blanks of information that he knew or didn't know over the years so now he's playing both the role of concerned mayor for the town and concerned father for his daughter.”
Of course, the witch isn’t exactly pleased when her dad becomes involved in her comings and goings. We wonder if this has anything to do with her new friend Professor Shane (David Alpay). It seems like Rudy finds the teacher as shady as Damon (Ian Somerhalder) does."
- Wetpaint

4x10 After School Special - promo


Vampire Diaries-cast reads fanfictions

4x09 O Come, All Ye Faithful

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Julie Plec twittrade

Glöm inte att rösta på PCA!

Wetpaint SPOILER - Season 4, Episode 9

"The spoiler that someone we’ve known since Season 1 will die has been circulating, and now, Entertainment Weekly has a list of candidates. Prepare yourself. We’re losing one of the following:
Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen)
Bonnie (Kat Graham)
Tyler (Michael Trevino)
Matt (Zach Roerig)
Carol Lockwood (Susan Walters)
Sheriff Forbes (Marguerite MacIntyre)
We’ve speculated why Bonnie, Tyler, Matt, and Jeremy are in danger already. The sheriff and the mayor not so much, mostly because we’ve barely seen them this season. We’re pretty sure Carol was at the Miss Mystic Falls pageant, but she was drowned out by all that taffeta.
It could easily be either of those ladies, even though their biggest problem — the Town Council — was solved very neatly by Pastor Young’s explosion. TVD just loves to kill off the group’s parental figures. Now that Bonnie’s father is making his debut, maybe Mystic Falls has reached its quota for people over the age of 25."
- Wetpaint

the vampire diaries re#ash with arielle kebbel - 4x08

4x09 O Come, All Ye Faithful - videoklipp

"Be A Vampire" (Ny Vampire Diaries-promo)

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Musikvideo till "Speak up"

Robsten i OK!

THR's Women in Entertainment 2012: Power 100

nytt från twitter: TWWT

Happy Birthday Ian Somerhalder!
Grattis på födelsedagen Ian!
4x09 O Come, All Ye Faithful - Synopsis

4x09 O Come, All Ye Faithful - promo

Wetpaint - Who Is TV’s Hottest Brotherly Duo?

Brotherly love can be a delicious thing, especially when it involves sexy sibling pairings like The Vampire Diaries’ Salvatore brothers or Supernatural’s Winchester brothers.
Of the following twosomes, which double dose of handsome makes you want to sign up for some quality family time?"

SPOILER Wetpaint - Is There a Cure For Elena’s **** **** to *****?

Artikeln är rätt lång så klicka här för att komma till Wetpaints hemsida och läsa resten.

the vampire diaries re#ash with arielle kebbel episode two - 4x07

4x08 We'll Always Have Bourbon Street - Videoklipp

Kat Graham @ KIIS FM's Jingle Ball 3 December


Vampirediariesblog: Hälsa grattis till Ian!

Kristen Stewart på Governors Awards 2012